The file: " pbcl.dll" could not be loaded by your Punkbuster installation. If you think I've forgotten one feel free to message Carbonic on Answer HQ. This list contains typical errors given by Punkbuster and a short explanation of what they mean. This can be caused by many things like updated/changed software/hardware security, changed Windows settings or corrupted files.

It might not be able to update itself or even run. Punkbuster can stop working for many reasons.
#Punkbuster update bf4 install
Punkbuster will install these to your computer: It does it's job by scanning the memory of your local machine and is thus required to be running, have access to your computer and be able to update itself by downloading the newest files when this is required.
#Punkbuster update bf4 software
Punkbuster is anti cheating software made by Even Balance ( It's a service that servers can choose to use if they want to.