Office 365 conference 2019
Office 365 conference 2019

This is how the end user experience will look like if you go with a single Office 365 tenant: Next, I will discuss in greater detail, what the end user experience will be like in each of the two scenarios. One of the most important things to consider before deciding between a single or multiple tenants is the end user experience. If you still evaluating if you are going for a single tenant or multiple tenants, read on. The easiest migration path is if the only workload in use is email and the more workloads in use, the harder the migration will be. If you are in a case where there are already several tenants in your organization and you want to migrate users and Office 365 workloads into a single tenant, it is important to evaluate which workloads are already being used. To learn more about the Azure AD Connect supported topologies, click here

office 365 conference 2019

  • If you have several local Active Directory forests and you want to sync all forests into a single tenant, you can only have one Azure AD Connect instance that will have to have access to all the local AD forests.
  • If you have multiple tenants, each DNS domain can only be registered in a single tenant.
  • This has a very important implication: each user is a member of a single tenant and is consider as a Guest user in any other tenant
  • Each user is unique in Azure Active Directory and you cannot synchronize the same user into multiple tenants.
  • An Azure Active Directory tenant is associated to a single Office 365 tenant.
  • office 365 conference 2019

    If you need to sync your local Azure Active Directory with Azure Active Directory, there are a few considerations you have to take into account:

  • A Cloud Only Account (if your organization doesn’t have a local Active Directory or some users will only need to access Office 365 and Cloud resources).
  • An Azure Active Directory account synchronized with your local Active Directory environment (recommended scenario for most organizations).
  • In Office 365, users will authenticate to every workload using their identity, typically in one of the following scenarios: This is NOT true and you can have multiple domains in a single tenant (you can have up to 900 domains in a single Office 365 tenant, more details here). One fairly common mistake that many organizations can make is to think that because they have multiple DNS domains, they need to have multiple Office 365 tenants. Important Technical Questions To Consider Domains To learn more about Multi-Geo Capabilities in Office 365, click here. Recently, Multi-Geo capabilities were announced that allow organizations to split its data residency across different geographies without the need to have multiple tenants. Going with multiple tenant is a possible way to solve the problems above but there are almost always alternative solutions.
  • The organization has multiple Office 365 licensing providers from different geographies.
  • office 365 conference 2019

    One of your divisions may one day leave the organization and we want to ensure that if this happens, data is properly isolated.We want to avoid network latency problems with Office 365 workloads (Ex: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Teams).We must provide complete autonomy of administrative control for each division within the organization.Our organization is composed by several divisions worldwide and each division must have its data stored in different geographies.Here are some of the most common scenarios: There are a few scenarios that organizations may feel that the best or even the only option is to go with multiple tenants. I will discuss the end user experience implications in a greater detail below but let me be clear: you should choose to use a single Office 365 tenant for your organization if you can. The decision of going with multiple tenants for your organization should not be taken lightly since it has a LOT of implications for the end user experience. This post will talk about some of the technical considerations that you will have to ask yourself if you are considering choosing between a single or a multi-tenant approach and the impacts that this decision has on the end user experience. I recently was involved in a scenario with a customer that had to choose between having multiple Office 365 tenants or just a single tenant. Office 365 Single Tenant vs Multiple Tenants, what is the best option for you and why?

    Office 365 conference 2019